Custom, affordable AI marketing | Cimule

Save Time & Money with Custom AI Marketing - Game Changing!

Affordable AI Social Media Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Search Engine Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Backlinks Generation - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Active Networking - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Modal Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Influencer Network Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Social Media Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Search Engine Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Backlinks Generation - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Active Networking - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Modal Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive
Affordable AI Influencer Network Marketing - always on, always accurate & never repetitive

Mediocre Online Marketing Results?

We can help with that.

What Cimule does for you:

Results shown by our customers include:
Reach: +429% SM Growth: +398% Marketing Cost: -624%
Working independently an AI bot, posts 24/7, assesses results, modifies posts and finds links to sites relevant to your business.
Performance: Our AI bots can't be matched by human marketers.
Expertise : Programmed with your profile and learning constantly.
Powerhouse: We are focused on the six effective marketing methods.
Fraction of the Cost : Simply priced so every business can afford our help.
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AI Based on Published IMSO Research.

Our AI Aspects are Constantly Learning Algorithms (CLA). Human marketing cannot compete.

Cimule AI powered Marketing
Six marketing essentials

“The Internet Marketing Standards Organization, has published a framework of 6 essential methods for radically productive results.”

At Cimule - Marketing Studios, We've created Six distinct AI bots we call Aspects to implement these methods.

Aspects are cloned and programmed for each Client, working for that Client alone.

These six form personalized marketing powerhouses customized for each client called HexAspects.

You Have Questions? Of course.
Cimule AI powered Marketing
How Does A HexAspect Know My Business?

With your help, we add the following detailed information about your Business!

Cimule AI powered Marketing
We collect information about your company and it's unique place in your comuunity

Company Mission Marketing statements about your business.

We want to know all about your products and services offered to the public

Products & Services What your business offers to its clients.

Who are your target customers. B2B, B2C, younger, older, retired, we want to know.

Customer Demographic Age, income, vocations and habits.

We want to know where your market your products or services

Geographical Demographic Where your clients are located. In your zip, city, state, country.

How Can A HexAspect Work For My Business?

Over 68,000 businesses are using HexAspects to enhance their marketing with Artificial Intelligence

HexAspects are working for Home Businesses, Startups, Service Businesses and $500m+ turn over.

Cimule HexAspects are the Marketing Engines Used by Many Marketing Studio's in America.

Cimule AI powered Marketing

Search Engine Presence

Compliance with marketing host rules

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Consistent, accurate and effective search engine submissions.


Every search engine (SE) has submission rules. If your marketing breaks those rules they will blacklist your website. Cimule posts are aggressive and efficient but within all posting guidelines.


The reason our marketing succeeds where others may not, is that we directly communicate with hosts to accumulate information on what their algorithms expect and how certain actions are more effective than others.

Results: Parallel testing shows how effective our methods are.
Average % Increased Search Engine Exposure: 89%Total: 100%
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Social Media Postings

Automated AI social media posts

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AI Managed Social Media Postings Increasing Effective Reach

Complete Content Management:

Each post is clear and concise with the essential components for maximum exposure. Includes, images, engaging content, hash tags, link backs and call to action.

Scheduled, consistent and efficient:

Scheduling ensures regularity and the efficiency of our post process ensure that the outreach to potential customers is consistent and sustained.

POST CONSISTENT: Increases efficiency and accuracy over manual postings.
Average % Increased Social Media Exposure: 84%Total: 100%
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Links / Backlinks

Creating essential links from and to other pages

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Building a Network of Links and Backlinks


Armed with information about your business and your target population demographics as well as geographical targeting data, HexAspects create valuable linkages to other pages that expand the network for your pages.


Backlinks are considered critical to your viability on search engines. These are links from other sites to your site and for the search engines this show the popularity of your site and the value offered by you to the internet community.

Link Quotient: Measure of the increase in Links and Backlinks to your site over time.
Average % Increased Link Quotient: 79%Total: 100%
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Active Networking

Creating a connectivity network for your business

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Actively Networking a Spectrum of Categories

Active Networking:

Active networking takes the initiative in reaching out to others in the same industry and to potential B2B and B2C customers to create latent, unexplored business opportunities.

Unique Category Marketing:

Active networking also explores areas where your products and services would seed demand but area that have not yet been explored by passive and other marketing efforts.

Performance: Average network expansion across 500+ categories.
Average % Increased Expansion: 78%Total: 100%
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Modal Content

Address your target demographic with Modal Marketing

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Introducing Unique Modal Content

What is Modal Marketing:

Modal marketing content is that which attracts the eye and brings attention to content. It can be an eye catching inlay or an overlay that appears above what you are viewing. Modal content can be a powerful tool in the hands of an AI Marketing Bot.

Modal HexAspect Tools:

HexAspects use Modal applications in order to fine tune your message by adding demographic specifics and geographical ties to marketing information to your repetitive marketing canvas.

AI Accuracy Benefits:

The benefits are clear. As our AI accumulates targeting information, we can feed your marketing 24/7 with message rotation and repetitive offers, growing your customer base aggressively.

Modal: Constant and Consistent Modifications.
Average % Increased Prospect to Customer Conversion: 81%Total: 100%
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Site Referrals

Gain more visitors using site referrals and influencer boosts

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Site Referrals and Influencers

Site Referrals:

A complex but critical part of the whole marketing structure for your business is referral. Return visitors and repeat buyers are important but also when new visitors come to your site after being referred by others.


You could read volumes on why referrals and influencers can bring partially converted potential customers to you. The summarized version would be an explanation of extra security in your decision to purchase when another source tells you, you've made the right decision.

Referral and Influencer: Increasing site audience. Focus your marketing.
Average % Increased site visitors: 93%Total: 100%
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Quick Pricing Summary

We keep it simple with two plans.

Cimule affordable, results oriented AI marketing
Limited time pricing for our HexAspects marketing Package

Complete HexAspects

$299 / month

$149 / month for a limited time

Pricing includes the complete unlimited
HexAspects marketing actions monthly.

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HexAspects + Software Development

Personalized Consultation

Required No two businesses are the same

Pricing includes software development
and HexAspects marketing actions.

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Keeping You Informed

Working together to reach your goal

Lets work together and achieve the results you planned to get
Monthly reports on your progress
Reporting ModulesMonthly Reports For You

Our work doesn't progress without your feedback. To help you keep informed and ensure you are getting what you asked for, we post monthly reports to your account. You can see the progress and request focus on various aspects of your marketing.

Your Reports

We provide programming and development for your business
Additional DevelopmentProgramming & Development

In addition to our marketing modules, we offer extensive programming, design and interface development and re-development services. Our development services include, web, database, app and free-standing applications for your business.

Development Services

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Your marketing process is collaborative. Together with our consultants, your plan is designed around your vision for your business. We services 68,000+ customers across the country and can help your business excel beyond your competitors.

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In addition to our marketing work, we are also DEVELOPERS, developing thousands of sites and software packages for companies requiring specialized work.


There are many site self creation apps available in the market. They create simple minimalistic sites. Most businesses, however, require a more involved website presence and interfaces with databases and / or commerce modules. We can develop these sites for you with all the functionality you need.


Specific software for your customers or internal use can often not be found pre-developed. We can develop your software regardless of your industry. Contact us and find out how our development can enhance your business for pricing you can afford.

Since 1997

We have been developers since 1997 and have developed software for some of the smallest and largest businesses in America. We hold patents on uniques software and functions that many businesses license.

Development Work

Our development department creates unique sites and other ad-hoc software. With over 20 experienced professionals, we have developed unique sites, database applications and tailored software for businesses across the country. Contact us for more information.

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