More detail about our Custom, affordable, AI marketing | Cimule

Cimule marketing enhances your presence in your city, your state or across the country

AI Powered Marketing Aspects (Methods)

Business experts agree, a combination of six marketing aspects can produce optimally effective market penetration.

These aspects are Social Media, Search Engines, Content Dissemination, Active Networking, Modal Communications and Referral Marketing.
Our AI powered strategy employs all six aspects powered by your data. Cimule produces aggressive, accurate and relentless marketing for your business 24/7.
Regardless of Budget or Business Size,
Request a FREE Personalized Consultation
Because No Two Businesses Are Alike.

Informational Only
This information describes the functionality of our HexAspect algorithm.

Actions provided on social media to enhance your presence


Industry Standard Methods

"Online marketing experts have long studied successful campaigns, codifying what works and what doesn't. Cimule has enhanced these methods with AI":

The average marketing 'expert' is unaware of the detail which power the engine of online marketing success, leaving a random and often unsuccessful approach.

  • Internal Algorithms
  • Reaching Beyond Gatekeepers
  • Avoiding Choke Points
  • Identifying Top 10 Players
  • Bandwagons - When and if
  • Creation of Virtual Linkages
  • Brand Evolution
  • Submissions to search engined guided by actual algorithms published

    Data Driven

    Quant Analytics

    "The primary schema is to take away emotion and human skill sets replacing them with quantitative analysis of the data Available":

    Our AI aspects are fed your data: Current positioning, current activity, goals and capacity. The marketing hosts e.g. Search Engines are analyzed in the same way.

  • Current market penetration
  • Current marketing tools / efforts
  • Market Hosts
  • Linkages Spheres
  • Target Demographics
  • Current Exposure
  • Service / Product Ident factors
  • Critical networking actions to help your business connect

    Core Objectives

    Unparalleled Marketing Momentum

    "Identifying core objectives and assigning AI aspects to task oriented actions moves your marketing objectives at a pace you will not have seen.":

    While you engage your customers and manage the operations of your business, Cimule creates a marketing force that propels your business at the forefront of your market.

  • Closed Circle Networks
  • AI Push Networks
  • Networking Matching
  • Daily Connect
  • B2B Active Networks
  • B2C Active Networks
  • Message Propagation
  • How Blogging Plus actions can help your marketing efforts

    Aggressive Moves

    Passive Marketing is not what Cimule is Offering

    "Our AI aspects are designed to fight for every position on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) similarly every post and position on other hosts":

    For this reason, Cimule does not specify posts or submissions numbers. We design our AI aspects to use as many or as few as is necessary for the next step up in a competitive market.

  • Regular Blogs
  • Keyword Targeted Content
  • Brand Promos
  • Surveys
  • B2B & B2C Targeted Content
  • Forum Posts
  • Product & Services Content Rich Posts
  • Serving 68,000+ businesses across America

    How many customers do we serve? Data 2022 - 2023

    Nationally, over 68,000 businesses use our AI marketing methods. Selling both products and services Cimule clients are enjoying renewed exposure and customer acquisition.

    Cimule customers located in all 50 states and 7,000+ towns and cities

    Where are our Customers located? Data 2022 - 2023

    Our customers are located in all 50 states as well as Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, transacting business in 7,000+ cities across the country, locally, statewide or nationally.

    We have customers who are a part of 553 different business categories

    Business Categories we help Data 2022 - 2023

    Our customers classify themselves in 553 different categories. Including Medical, Home Services, Hospitality, Adult Care, Non-profits and many more. Join Us.

    Our customers vary in size but receive the same dedicated services

    Typical Customer Size Data 2022 - 2023

    Our customers follow a typical Bell Curve in terms of their gross annual income. They range from $500m + to less than $100,000 annually.

    We have variations in our methods depending on whether our customers sell products, services or both

    What do our Customers sell?Data 2022 - 2023

    Of our customers 33% provide services, 36% provide products and 22% provide both. The remaining 9% provide neither but require marketing.

    Our marketing targets your customer demographic whether online or high street

    Customers Demographic? Data 2022 - 2023

    Only 12% of our customers exclusively sell from a 'Bricks and Mortar' location. Over 47% sell online and from a store. The remaining 41% sell online exclusively.

    Performance Guarantees

    Active, Aggressive but Rules Compliant

    Cimule AI powered Marketing

    Breaking rules of SM and SE hosts can reverse marketing efforts and effects.


    Every host, social media (SM) or search engine (SE) has rules for submissions. If your marketing exceeds those rules they will blacklist your website. Cimule posts are aggressive and efficient but within all guidlines.


    The reason our marketing succeeds where others may not, is that we directly communicate with hosts to accumulate information on what their algorithms expect and how certain actions are more effective than others.

    Results: Parallel testing shows how effective our methods are.
    Average % Increased Social Media Exposure: 84%Total: 100%
    Average % Increased Search Engine Exposure: 89%Total: 100%

    Active vs Passive Marketing Methods

    Primary Active Actions:

    Active marketing actions impact your exposure in all six Aspects. With these actions we are able to make major changes to what your demographic and geographic audience are able to see

    Secondary Passive Effects:

    Passive marketing are an echo of the active actions and useful because they continue to enhance your presence long after the primary actions have dissipated. Both types of actions enhance your presence.

    Active + Passive: With Cimule HexAspect you don't have to choose.
    Average % Increased website activity: 83%Total: 100%

    Guarding and Building Reputations

    Importance of Reputation:

    Reputation includes ratings, reviews and word of mouth. For any business these sustain sales and encourage new customers to visit the website and bricks and mortar locations. Maintenance is critical.

    How are reputations diminished:

    Most online informational hosts will display 5-10 of the last reviews and an average of your ratings. Each poor or average review drops another of of your previous ratings and each review overwhelms the last.

    How we repair and build:

    AI Aspects from Cimule bring ratings and reviews from across the internet accumulating the positives and dropping the negatives. We lift up your reputation across the spectrum of marketing hosts.

    Reputation Quotient: Measure of ratings and reviews increases after 1 year.
    Average % Increased Reputation Quotient: 78%Total: 100%

    Serving a Spectrum of Categories

    AI & Categories:

    Our marketing is created individually for each new customer. Each category has it's own marketing nuances and each AI Aspects brings basic knowledge of your category but then searches your business online for your uniqueness.

    Categories & Sub-Categories:

    Each category contains sub categories e.g. Home Services may contain Plumbing, Roofing, HVAC, Remodeling and more. Each AI is unique to your business, category and sub-category created just for your needs.

    Unique Marketing:

    Your marketing is a collection of SIX marketing AI's working from unique data about your business ands cross referencing your category, sub-category, geographical location and demographic.

    Performance: Average marketing response across 500+ categories.
    Average % Increased Site Visits: 91%Total: 100%

    Addressing Your Demographics

    Target Potential & Current Customers:

    In our initial phase, we gather information about your target demographic. This allows us to target income profiles, age demographic, B2B, B2C as well as providing promos to current customers.

    Geographical Targeting:

    In this phase we look at where your customers are and how you would like to market. We can target your town / city, your state, national marketing and even approach international markets.

    AI Accuracy Benefits:

    The benefits are clear. As our AI accumulates targeting information, we can feed your marketing 24/7 with message rotation and repetitive offers, growing your customer base aggressively.

    Fine Tuning: Constant and Consistent Modifications.
    Average % Increased Prospect to Customer Conversion: 81%Total: 100%

    Keeping You Informed

    Working together to reach your goal

    Lets work together and achieve the results you planned to get
    Monthly reports on your progress
    Reporting ModulesMonthly Reports For You

    Our work doesn't progress without your feedback. To help you keep informed and ensure you are getting what you asked for, we post monthly reports to your account. You can see the progress and request focus on various aspects of your marketing.

    Your Reports
    We provide programming and development for your business
    Additional DevelopmentProgramming & Development

    In addition to our marketing modules, we offer extensive programming, design and interface development and re-development services. Our development services include, web, database, app and free-standing applications for your business.

    Development Services
    Get a free personalized consultation to determin your needs
    Let's Get StartedFree Consultation

    Your marketing process is collaborative. Together with our consultants, your plan is designed around your vision for your business. We services 68,000+ customers across the country and can help your business excel beyond your competitors.

    Free Personalized Consultation